About Malaisms

I am a microbiologist from the University of the Philippines Los Banos. I was always confused about what I want to do for college so I decided to take a pre-medicine course since I opt to save lives. At the same time, I've been exposed to journalism back in high school so I thought I should have taken other course like Development Communication but I decided to not shift out of my course since I fell in love with it.

Malaisms, as indicated in the header, is just a random word generated by Felipe Gonzales, a friend and colleague in college. The word pertains to vague conclusions I made on things I thought of. The usage of that word, however, evolved into somewhat everything that comes out of my head. It isn't written in any dictionary, of course, but it is in my personal vocabulary of words. So I decided to launch it on my blog. Haha.

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